Compact Chart:
Eva Verna Boyer

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Jacob Iseli
1802-1885 ‎(82)‎
Compact Chart: I005890
John F Miller
1840-1920 ‎(80)‎
Compact Chart: I006191 Henry C Miller
1869-1938 ‎(68)‎
Compact Chart: I006190 Mary Iseli
1840-1912 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I006311Compact Chart: I005891
Marti ‎(unknown)‎
Vern Boyer
Compact Chart: I006314 Eva Verna Boyer
Compact Chart: I006313
Anna Miller
 Compact Chart: I006312
Mary Muehlenthaler
1870-1932 ‎(62)‎

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