Compact Chart:
Douglas Gordon Alexander

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Christian Iseli
1801-1865 ‎(64)‎
Benjamin Dubach
1809-1890 ‎(80)‎
Compact Chart: I007499Compact Chart: I007675
Christian H Iseli
1828-1919 ‎(91)‎
Compact Chart: I007509 Frederick Benjamin Isely
1873-1947 ‎(74)‎
Compact Chart: I007510 Marie Elisabeth Dubach
1842-1936 ‎(94)‎
Compact Chart: I007500Compact Chart: I007571Compact Chart: I007674
Barbara Otzenberger
1800-1882 ‎(82)‎
Jeannette Verdun
1809-1845 ‎(35)‎
Gordon Alexander
1901-1974 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I007574 Douglas Gordon Alexander
Compact Chart: I007573
Marion Frances Isely
1902-1974 ‎(71)‎
 Compact Chart: I007572
David Ashby Nickerson
1840-1907 ‎(67)‎
Compact Chart: I007677 Mary Nickerson
1876-1968 ‎(92)‎
Compact Chart: I007686 Rebecca Jane Collett
1843-1935 ‎(92)‎

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