Compact Chart:
Pierre Henri Noël Isely

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Jean Daniel Isely
Jean-Pierre Jaccard
Compact Chart: I007886Compact Chart: I007895
Alexis Isely
1834-1887 ‎(52)‎
Compact Chart: I007889 Charles Eugène Isely
1858-1933 ‎(74)‎
Compact Chart: I007894 Rosine Jaccard
Compact Chart: I007795Compact Chart: I007897Compact Chart: I007896
Susanne Charlotte Porchet
Catherine Giroud
Auguste Louis Isely
1889-1970 ‎(81)‎
Compact Chart: I007925 Pierre Henri Noël Isely
Compact Chart: I007926
Marguerite Henchoz
1887-1955 ‎(68)‎
 Compact Chart: I007901
Sophie Joseph
1865-1962 ‎(96)‎

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