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How to edit the family tree

Posted by erichiseli on Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 04:14 PM

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Have you been confused when editing the family tree? Have you been wondering how to add children to a person or similar?

First of all, when you are editing the family tree, you should be in the individual view.

Editing existing persons

Modifying the name: Just below the name of the person at the top of the page, you can find a link called Edit name. When clicking it, you will be presented a new window with several fields. Name prefix: use it very moderately. Don't put Mr. or Mrs. in this field. Given name: First name and middle name belong here. Nickname: how the person was usually called. While someone can be officially called "Henry Philip", in daily life he could be called just "Philip". That would belong into this field. Next is the field surname. Usually you would have Iseli or a variation thereof or another last name that was married into our family. Suffix should contain "Jr.", "Sen.", "III" etc... The last field gets filled in automatically, usually you shouldn't change its content.

Adding facts: If somebody died and you know when and/or where, then you can add the fact "Death". Facts can be found in the first tab "Personal Facts and Details". New facts can be added at the very bottom of the facts. It is by default containing the value "Adoption". Usually, we only use the facts "Birth", "Christening", "Death", and "Burial" however if there is a good reason to use other facts, feel free to do so.

Defining marriage/divorce data: Go to the tab "Close relatives", then locate the family with husband/wife. Click on the link "View family", scroll down and add a new fact to the "Family Group Information", typically "Marriage" or "Divorce".

Adding new persons

Adding a child: If the person is not yet partner in a family, then you first have to add a partner (see below). Once you have a partner, then go to the tab "Close Relatives", scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Add a child to this family".

Adding a partner: Go to the tab "Close relatives" and, at the very bottom of the page, click the link "Add a new husband/wife".

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