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Eight and a half years of guestbook entries (part 3)

Posted by erichiseli on Sunday, January 08, 2006 - 10:21 AM

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The Website - Die Website

Part three covers the years 2005-2001

Internet, 30.11.05 - 20:37

I am from South Africa but currently in UK.

I was just searching on the sites for my family name and realised how special our surname is. Truely remarkable to find out that we have one unique surname.

Greetings to all the Yzelle's.

Chantell Yzelle

Los Angeles , California, 23.11.05 - 03:53

I knew Malcolm "Doc " Isely when I was growing up in California. He was a member of my parents church and we also often camped in Death Valley with him.
He gave my mother a book his mother wrote. It is about Ida Eisenhower. His mithers pen name was Kunigunde Duncan

He died in Trona California some years ago. J. Roche

Jo Ann Roche

Pr?s de Paris, 19.07.05 - 21:10

Super le site. Je suis une descendante de Hans Iseli pour une branche et de Peter Iseli pour une autre branche. Ils ?taient originaires de Lutzelfl?h en Suisse.
Beaucoup des descendants vivent en Suisse encore aujourd'hui.
Pour ma part, je suis fran?aise.


Des Moines Iowa, 06.07.05 - 19:40

My great grandfather came from Glarius in Switzerland. His name was changed from Iseli to Easley. Any information that would help me find out more about my Swiss back ground would be very welcome

Don easley

Slater, IA, 27.04.05 - 15:19

I am not related to Minnie, but Fred Schar was my grandfather that I never knew. My grandmother was his 2nd wife, Alice McDonald. My mother is Barbara Schar. Uncle Warren's half sister. I am wanting to know more of my relatives on the Schar side, but don't know how to contact them. Met some of Aunt Doris' children a few months ago. Was just surfing the net when I decided to put in Fred Schar and see what I came up with and here I am!

Jeanne Graesch

Pittsburgh, Pa., 22.03.05 - 01:27

I found upon searching for information about the Wysseier family that Ida Iseli (1004251) married Johannes Wysseier (l004637). Does that make us family? The Wysseier's have been in Western Pa. (Pittsburgh)since the mid l800's when John immigrated from Switerland. Through the internet we found a large family of Wysseier's throughout Switzerland, many of them in Bern. We have had many conversations and enjoyed a visit from a cousin. In this area, Isaly means wonderful dairy stores. We still have one less than a mile from home.

Martha and Jack Wysseier

Apple Valley, Minnesota, 08.11.04 - 06:11

found you some time ago. thought that i'd registered with you..did rec an e-mailfrom you stating that you wre 'verifying' and would get back to me. Looks as if you've been really busy, i would like to persue my trying to learn more about my family. i have very much to learn...i'm new at this. My father was born in Bassel, his wife's family Angstman came from there, as did my wife's Aufenast. So you can see I've a lot of work to do. all of them were active in a swiss society in St. Paul Minnesota in the early 1900's. Thank you.

Frederick Rudolph Iseli

colorado, 04.09.04 - 00:27

i ran into members of author eugene esely's family here and i wanted to let them know my email has changed.tjlm_4(at)
if you could please contact me again i would appreciate it


Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 22.08.04 - 22:07

I stumbled on the site by searching for the name of my grandmother, Minnie Marie Rasmussen, wife of Fred Schar.  I have assembled a good bit of the current Schar tree, and look forward to combining it with teh information you apparently ahve.  How can I get in touch with someone who will assist me in viewing the full detailed info you have on the Iseli-Schar line?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Stephen W. Schar, son of Warren Alfred Schar, son of Fred Schar and Minnie Marie Rasmussen.

Stephen Warren Schar

Marion, Ohio, 30.07.04 - 20:39

Hello from Marshall Cunningham, son of Ruth (Isaly) Cunningham, daughter of Charles Isaly, son on William Isaly, son of Eugene Isaly, son of Christian and Verena (Zwygart) Isaly.

I have am in the 5 year process of updating our family tree for the 2008 Christian and Verena Isaly reunion.

I would welcome contact from my relatives!

Marshall Cunningham

United States (Iowa), 19.07.04 - 23:19

I am looking for relatived in the TN. area for my father. He is 77 years old and enjoys watching me look up the Isley name on the computer.

David Isley

Blanchardville, WI, 27.06.04 - 22:23

I also wanted to inform anyone of a reunion at the Isely farm on July 4, 2004. This is for descendants of Christian and Verena Isely (previously mispelled).

Cari Wild (Homepage)

Blanchardville, WI, 27.06.04 - 22:15

Hi, my name is Cari Wild. My Mother, Emily Wild, is the great grandaughter of Chritian and Verena(Buenker) Isely and lives on the family farm outside of Monroe, WI. We have a website for my grandfather, and I enjoyed looking at your website.

Cari Wild (Homepage)

Switzerland, 23.06.04 - 18:25

Very interesting homepage. I will be back.

Iseli Christoph

France, 08.06.04 - 21:25

I'm French. ISEL (my name) means "island" in old French,
   "iron" in German
   "low" in Gaelic
 and "hand made" in Turkish.
I feel like being a low, hand made iron island... Paul ISEL


Apple Valley, CA, 07.06.04 - 03:50

It was exciting to find this on the 'net'. My husband, is Frederick Rudolph Iseli Jr. His grandfather Frederick Iseli came from Bern to St. Paul, Mn. My grandfather, Augustus Aufenast came from Bern as well. We're very new at this research thing. 
Georgine Iseli (gfiseli(at)

Georgine Aufenast Iseli

Redding California, 31.05.04 - 22:17

ISELY REUNION NOTICE......July 31st,2004 in Monroe Wisconsin.....This is for the descendants of Christian and Verena Isely...Pleas email me for more info...awickersham(at)

Jane McKenna (Homepage)

usa colorado, 28.04.04 - 01:42

my grandfather was adopted by fred and lillian esely....He has a family album with pictures of the esely family...i would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me to figure out who these ppl are.... we have one picture of christian isely on his birthday july 4th

laura cook

Indiana, 15.03.04 - 05:37

Hi, My name is Darcyana Izel. I am from Brazil South America. I have been trying to find information on the Izel last name for a while and I'm glad I found this site. I am currently living in the USA, but all my family is back in Brazil.

Darcyana Izel

Lichtenburg, 10.03.04 - 10:18


Ek is redelik goed bekend met van die Yssels op Ventersdorp (Elandskuil) My Ouers woon op Klipplaatdrift my ma se Niggie Tannie Hannie is getroud met Saadjie Yssel op Elandskuil ek het hulle Maandag by ons familiebegrafplaas te Klipplaatdrift met Oom Abraham Smit se begrafnis laas gesien.

Hein van Rooyen (Homepage)

Delisle, Saskatchewan, Canada, 28.02.04 - 04:42

Beautiful Site

Our Neighbours are Isley's and do not have internet.
I am writing in their honour.

Debb Sigirst

Houston, Texas, 20.02.04 - 04:10

I was reasearching For a Edith M. Yost that was married to Charles Z.W. Bright that resided in Reading Pa on Moss St. She is related to me and when I saw this site maybe someone can help me. Charles Z.W. Bright was my Dad's real father,and his name is Kenneth William Bright. Do you recognize these names?
Thank you for letting me see your site and hoping to find someone out there who could help me with my genealogy project. My home is Pennsylvania. I understand maybe Edith did live in Norristown, Pa and then resided in Reading, Pa. 

Deborah Bright Pierce

Albuquerque, New Mexico lately of Ohio, 18.02.04 - 15:11

Planning a trip to Switzerland in September with my brother. want to visit the family homestead site is possible. I am decended from Christian Islei born Feb 16, 1806

Ed Isaly at curatored(at)

Edwin R. Isaly

Erie, Pa., 04.02.04 - 20:32

I have more accurate information than my last entry. I called my father in Forida,and he clarified that Elise Struchen was his mother's aunt. His grandmother was Rosa Struchen, her sister.

By the way, I will be going to Switzerland for 8 days from 21/4 - 29/4, for skiing/sightseeing, so this information on possible relatives there is really interesting.

Craig Schneider

Erie, Pa. USA, 04.02.04 - 19:15

I finally got my father, Geroge Schneider, to give me some info on his family history. He has an orginal document for Elsie Struchen, who was his mother's sister, I believe. It is a certificate of origin of domicile for an unmarried person.

It states that Elsie Struchen was a legitimate duaghter of Gottfried Struchen and Elisabeth Iseli, born 16 April 1882 in Tauffelen, as recorded in roll book (at) 11, volume #62.

He remembers going to her farm in Russel, Pa. and maybe he can remember more about his other relatives.

There are several signatures to witness it, and it's signed by Governor Schneider with seal # of 8225.

Would somone be able to help me see if our family would be related in some way? Thank you

Craig W. Schneider

Oskaloosa, Kansas, 29.12.03 - 06:30

Looking around for connections and information to the Isely family that went from Switzerland to Holmes co. OH to Brown co. Kansas.

Larry Gilbert

Vernon HIlls, IL, 28.12.03 - 07:56

My grandmother was Alice Virginia Streit Barrett. Her mother was Ida Wenger.
I've registered, but am unable to get a password to the family site.Please allow me to enter.
This is a wonderful site for my genealogy research!

Anyone that would like to contact me may do so at

Carla Barker
Vernon Hills, IL

Carla Barker

OHIO, USA, 26.12.03 - 22:11

My great great grandmother was Madgalena Iselin who was married to Benedict Plattner in Bern. My great grandmother Anna Maria Plattner emigrated to the US in 1880. She was married to Joseph Vogt in 1883. She died in 1890 leaving 3 small children. I know very little about her family. 

Donna G

Pennsylvania, 23.12.03 - 23:52

Hi! What a great family tree site! I am not a family member, but my husband is. My husband does not enjoy researching geneology as much as I do, so that is how I ended up here. My husband is a decendant of Marianna Wittwer, daughter of Christian Wittwer and Maria Schneider. Marianna would be his great-great grandmother. Would welcome the opportunity to share this line of the family tree with anyone that may be interested in it.

Theresa Ludwick

Switzerland, Cham, 21.12.03 - 22:32

hello everybody!
this i a great homepage! very nice done and a plessure to look at! Im from Switzerland (Cham). My dad grew up in Halse b.B.

Benjamin Iseli

Rock City, IL, 10.11.03 - 04:40

It has been a long since I last wrote an entry in the guest book Erich and family member , I thought the I would let you we are doing just fine. 

Your cousin and family in Rock City, IL

Dawn Niedermeier

email: joenied(at)

Dawn Niedermeier

Arizona, 31.10.03 - 07:37

Hello. Just read the entry regarding Jennifer Jones. I recall my great aunt Winnie Isley LaMunyan saying she was somehow related to her. Winnie's brother was George Robert(Bob)Isley... my grandfather)who married Rose Buster born in Kansas. The family moved to Salmon Idaho from Tennessee. Bob and Winnie's parents had several other children. I recall mention of a brother named Leslie Isley.

Grandpa "Bob" eventually became sheriff of Lemhi County; of which Salmon is the county seat and had acreage on Boil Creek. He died in 1967 (approx.) His son Michael Gordon (My father) was born in 1937.(approx.) Mike was a professional rodeo cowboy specializing in Saddle Bronc and Bareback events who went to the National Finals Rodeo in the mid-to-late 60's.

I am the keeper of the Isley family bible. Interested "Islei" folks can contact me at address below.

Bettina Ann Isley

Suisse (Vaud), 30.10.03 - 18:06

Bonjour ? toute la famille Iseli

Comment faire pour s'inscrire lorsque l'on est de la famille? afin de pouvoir utiliser le forum


Dominique Iseli

Argyle Wisconsin, 17.10.03 - 15:52

Hello, I am Gregrey Heath Isely, son of Gregrey Dean Isely, son of Daryle William Isely, son of Willis Isely. We are of the Wisconsin branch of the Isely family. I was just taking a look around and am happy to anounce the arrival of my daughter Olivia Jane Isely on Feb 15, 2003. I have a webpage listed that includes info on me and my family as well as my schooling at the Milwaukee School of Engineering where I am attending for a degree in Software Engineering.

Gregrey Heath Isely (Homepage)

ARGENTINA, 27.09.03 - 19:48

I?m very place to find you again!!!
I?m in Buenos Aires, Argentine.

Muy name is Sandra MArina Isely

Sandra Marina Isely

Willoughby Hills, OH, 16.08.03 - 15:18

I just discovered some records for my great grandmother and her family. Her mother's name was Magdalena Iselin. My great grandmother was born in Wohlen Bern Sw on 30 November 1861. Her father was Benedict Plattner. I don't know when my great grandmother emigrated to Cleveland OH, but she was married in Cleveland in 1883 and she died here in 1890. I think she had a brother Frederick, but I cannot find any other records.


Orange County, California, 24.07.03 - 08:57

Does the following belong somewhere in the Iseli records: Jennifer Jones, the Academy Award winning actress was born Phylis Lee Isley, March 2, 1919. in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Her parents, Phil and Flora Mae (Suber) owned and operated a small acting troop called the Isley Stock Company. They would tour small towns outside of Tulsa and perform plays for ten cents a patron. It was in this environment that young Phylis decided she wanted to be an actress. By the time she was six, she was in her first grade play, playing a candy cane. In her free time and during summer vacations, she worked with her parents selling tickets and refreshments.

My grandmother was Verena "Fannie" Isely Jones Marty, daughter of Christian Iseli and Verena (Bunker)Iseli. I was born 3-24-33 and grew up in Monroe/Three Lakes, Wisconsin and Lakewood, Ohio.

I can update much of the Marty/Fitz-Gibbon Family which is not too accurate in your records. Have many pictures from the 1800s.

Paul Fitz-Gibbon (Jr.) (Homepage and Homepage)

Somewhere, 04.05.03 - 15:47

awesome site hey check out my grandpa Howard Isely Website hes 90 years old.

Hunter Slack (Homepage)

R?yken, Norway, 18.04.03 - 22:36

Greetings from Norway. We are the only ISELI family in Norway :)

Frode Iseli

Stamford, Connecticut, 31.03.03 - 20:42

My great-grandmother was Geneva Iselie. She married Konrad Heilig and they emigrated to Iowa City, Iowa in 1867 from Germany. She was from Wittenberg, but there are at least 5 Wittenbergs in Germany. Since Iselie is a Swiss name, they are possibly from the Wittenberg near Lake Constance. Does anyone know anything about this family?

Linda Nielsen

Iowa, 06.03.03 - 04:23

I already have a book, as the Iseli name has the longest roots of my ancestory. So out of curiosity I searched for it. I found my mother's maiden name on the site, so I would like to add mine and my children's? Fantastic geneolgy, please continue the great job.

James Elliott

Farmington, NM, 25.02.03 - 14:44

My fathers name is Douglas Charles Isely,and my brothers name is Benjarmine Charles Isely, I do not know much about my fathers side of the family but he is from Minasota.
(the pictures on this site, look like my father!!?? neet)

Tangela Isely

Farmington, NM, 25.02.03 - 14:40

My fathers name is Douglas Charles Isely,and my brothers name is Benjarmine Charles Isely, I do not know much about my fathers side of the family but he is from Minasota.

tangela Isely

Fort Collins, CO, 07.02.03 - 07:53

I've just discovered this site with the help of Robert Haack. He acquired quite alot of information and was listed on the Ancestry home pages. We've been writing back and forth for a couple of days now, and I'm so elated about it.
I am decended from Jacob Esely b. Feb 10, 1872. I remember him quite well as he used to babysit me all the time. My grandmother, his daughter, was Bessie.
I have alot of information and pictures of relatives and am hoping there is a place on this site to be able to post some of the pictures. Also, to update information that so far hasn't been recorded.

Nancy Mink (Homepage)

Beaverton, Oregon, USA, 03.02.03 - 04:15

I am Julia Dick, and my mother maiden name was Easly. Her family immigrated to Ohio, Crawford County, USA in 1855 from Berne, Switzerland. I found your sight from a post up message on We have a family tree that a family member got when in Switzerland in Grafenried from a nice distant relative. I would like to be a registered visitor. 

Julia Dick

No thanks., 11.01.03 - 02:59

This sight showed up when I did a search on my last name: Easley.
   I had no idea that I could be of Swiss decent! My father said it could be French! From someone else we thought perhaps it could be Norse.

Christopher Easley

Bolligen / Be, 10.01.03 - 22:03

Im Zusammenhang mit der Familienforschung der M?ller von Goldbach / Hasle b. Burgdorf, bin ich auf den Namen Iseli
gestossen. Der M?ller im Thalgraben, ein Iseli erhielt von den
M?llereien in Goldbach (Niklaus M?ller), und Hasle und die Erlaubnis
gegen Entsch?digung seinen M?llereibetrieb zu vergr?ssern.
Dies war in der Zeit um ca.1650. (gem.Contraktenprotokoll StAB)

Auf der Frontseite ist der Name Iseli von Hasle b/B sichtbar. Ist der Familienstammbaum lediglich von den Iseli's heimatberechtigt von Hasle b/B aufgebaut ?

Mit besten Gr?ssen
Alfred M?ller-Waser, ein Nachfahre aus der Ehe
Christen M?ller-Iseli, um 1770, aus dem Thalgraben

Alfred M?ller-Waser

germany, 08.01.03 - 14:28

I was looking for more info on my heritage and I stumbled on to this page. I tried to register but kept getting errors. My Maiden name is Iseli. I think it's great to look at this site. Still looking for more info though

Jennifer Fajardo

Rockledge, FL, 28.12.02 - 00:45

I, too, have tried and failed to register. I encountered the exact error message described by the gentleman from Australia on June 20, 2002. Thus, I am now halfway registered, because my User Name, etc, was accepted by the system, but no password was emailed to me.

If someone knows the secret to registering, I'd appreciate hearing from you at rewdmm(at) Thanks!

My grandfather was Leroy Esley, son of Jonas Iseli and Elizebeth Lisher, of the New York branch.

David Williams

Fircrest, WA USA, 11.12.02 - 06:29

Trying to register but getting error msgs. Just beginning to dig deep into the family roots...and found this site!
I am the Great granddaughter of Mary Isaly Zimmer who falls in the Hans Iseli to Peter Iseli (1784-1848)to Christian (1806-?) Isaly line. Would like to make some family connections! 

Nancy Eisenhart

Pittsburgh, PA, 22.11.02 - 05:17

A great web site! I look forward to visiting it again.

Charles Christian Isely IV

Florida, 20.11.02 - 03:13

Just looking and came across the site. Jerry Iseli, adopted son of John Frederick Iseli, born in California. Jerry lives in Florida.

Jerry Iseli

Lincoln, NE 68527, 01.11.02 - 02:10

My great-grandmother was Verena Iseli daughter of Samuel and Verena Mathis Iseli. 
Wwe found this web site last month when we were in Germany looking up Wynigen.

Would be interested in what information you have. We have some on the Iseli families which has been handed down to me.

Joyce R. Ross

Tennessee, USA, 25.10.02 - 15:27

I've been researching my family only recently. My great grandfather was Samuel Isley b.Dec 24, 1824. Our family is in the middle Tennessee area, USA. Would enjoy hearing from anyone with any info re the branch of the family.

Rebecca Riley

Somewhere, 24.10.02 - 13:36

Hi Cousin, I thought I would let you know that I am still around. Alot has happened in the past few years. I am now a grandmother. Well, I got to go.

Dawn Niedermeier

Potchefstroom, South Africa, 15.10.02 - 19:56

Ek sien nou eers hierdie Wbblaaie is veel ouer as die 2001 Yssel Reunie te Elandskuil en kan nie mooi agterkom of al daardie stamboominligting hier vervat is nie - lyk nie so nie?

Estie de Jager

Potchefstroom, 15.10.02 - 19:15

Ek was nie bewus van die Webruimte nie, maar soek inligting oor landbou opvoedkunde in SA en hier pop die Webblad op! Baie verbaas! Moet julle gelukwens, maar nou is ek natuurlik dadelik nuuskierig om te weet van watter Yssels is hierdie Wizkids wat so 'n goeie job gedoen het.

Ek gee Fisika prakties vir die eerstejaar inginieurstudente by die PUK en was baie verbaas om nou die dag 'n Gabriel Ernst Yssel voor my te sien staan. Ons het toe uitgewerk sy grootoupa en my ouma was broer en suster.
My ouma was Hester Isabel Yssel van Elandskuil.

Hester Isabel (Estie) De Jager

nou in Israel, voorheen Windhoek, Namibie, 21.09.02 - 21:28

Hallo Almal!
Ek is nou wel nie `n familielid nie, maar het groot geword in die kerk van wyle Ds Dries Yssel, van Windhoek, Namibie. Onthou hom ook as burgemeester. Wat `n persoonlikheid!!


Argentina - Buenos Aires, 22.08.02 - 03:40

Hello, I'm Antonella Iselli (double "ll"). I'm from Argentina, my grandfather is argentinian too. I'm trying to find information about this branch... (sorry but my english is not so good)

Antonella Iselli (Homepage)

Redding Ca., 29.07.02 - 16:54

I too, have tried to register and received error messages....I have Isely information and pictures from Christian Iseli my great great grandfather...Please email me and help me register at awickersham (at) Thanks

Jane McKenna

Hopkins County, KY, 23.07.02 - 23:14

Hello, Isly family. I am not a member to my knowledge, but your name caught my eye while surfing for my own. I have done quite a bit of research, especially on our county (Hopkins, KY) I was merely curious if there is an Edward Ilsley late 1800's in your tree? He was a founder of a coal mine, company store, and a little town changed it's name to honor him. If he is included in your genealogy and you need the info that I have on his influence here. Please feel free to contact me.

Sharon Johnston

, Iowa, USA, 12.07.02 - 18:50

Looking for information on Jacob Iseli, born 1832. Married Anna Begert. Also Jacob Iseli who lived in Allamakee, Iowa, born 1870. Please contact me at raymondjohnson(at)
Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson

, Iowa, USA, 12.07.02 - 18:47

If Birgit McCracken is still out there, please contact me. Are you still doing translations and if so, do you do French?

Linda Johnson

Madison Wisconsin USA, 10.07.02 - 12:16

Hi everyone! I just found out about this website and I absolutely LOVE it. Thank you to everyone for their time and effort developing this!! I am related to the Isaly family thru my Great Great Grandmother Elizabeth Isaly-Miller.
My mother Carolyn Miller daughter of Clifford J Miller, son of Edmund Miller, son of Benedict Miller & Elizabeth Isaly!
Any Family members CONTACT ME!!!

Best of Luck to all!

Janis Story

Australia, 20.06.02 - 17:28

I am trying to register but keep on getting an error message "Family member registration
defrenza/ Line 237: MvSMTP: Runtime Error: Error sending =
recipient '': relaying to prohibited by administrator (failed to find =
host name from IP address)=20
Registration succeeded!"

I have tried emailing the webmaster(at), but the mail is returned as undeliverable.

Can someone from this site please contact me ASAP on cpscc(at)

Colin Pretorius

Colin Pretorius

Auckland New Zealand, 12.05.02 - 22:57

My name is Lyon-Marcel Pretorius. I found the site in a a book called Geneology Online for Dummies. I obtained the book for a research project that I am doing at the Auckland University of Technology.

Lyon-Marcel Pretorius

South- Africa, Johannesburg, 12.05.02 - 22:09

I want to make contact with my family members all over the world. Please email me when you read this. I travel a lot and would love to meet some of you all over the world. My email is: jyssel(at)

Johan Yssel

Philadelphia, 26.04.02 - 18:46

Greetings from Philadelphia. This is an incrediable site. Thanks for all the hard work.

Brian Isely

California, USA, 10.04.02 - 19:02

I am intersted in learning more about the "Isley" family tree.

Chris Isley

Pretoria, South Africa, 05.04.02 - 12:32

For many years I wanted to find my roots and finally I have found a lead. I know for sure that my surname was previously spelt YSELLE instead of YZELLE, which is my maiden name.

Willien Strutz (n?e Yzelle)

Perpignan - France, 08.03.02 - 16:44

Hi everybody! I'm looking for the descendants of Peter Isel, from Alsace (France) who settled in New Jersey in 189O.   paulisel(at)

Paul Isel

Perpignan - France, 08.03.02 - 16:41

Bonjour. J'essaye de retrouver trace de Joelle Isel de Longwy (France) qui s'?tait int?ress?e ? l'histoire de la famille.Si quelqu'un la connait...   paulisel@voi(at)

Paul Isel

Clakamas Oregon, 07.03.02 - 00:35

Please accept my warmest and cordial greetings to all the ISELI'S all over the world. There is no adequate defense except perhaps stupidity against the impact of a new idea. The one I would suggest: Lets get together.

Andre' W. Iseli

Nice France, 08.02.02 - 12:05

Super ce site, j'ai fait une recherche pour une amie et je crois avoir trouv?.
F?lications... j'y reviendrai
Si vous en avez le temps, juste un
regard sur le site INDIGO du FONZERI.
adresse internet
On y parle d'un beau chat un chartreux
grand champion d'europe. il y a des photogarphies, il pr?sente son Ma?tre et
la genealogie LEFEBVRE (Nord de la France).
Si vous avez aim?... un petit mot sur
signature sur son livre d'or.
Au niveau de la g?n?alogie, peut ?tre pourrions ?changer liens et banni?res.

Lefebvre Daniel Vincent (Homepage)

Bienne, Suisse, 07.02.02 - 21:43

Tr?s contente d'avoir trouv? ce site, je suis ? la recherche de plus amples informations concernant la famille de Friedrich Iseli, T?uffelen, mari? ? Anna Felber de Gerolfingen,1870...??
mes arri?re-grands parents.

Catherine Arranger

USA, 13.01.02 - 09:02

Hello, alle Iselis in und um Jegenstorf,
Ich suche lebende Verwandte von
Carl-Arnold (auch als Karl Arnold)Iseli Jegenstorf. Seine Frau hiess Anna Maria Kaeser (auch Annamaria) von Leimiswyl. Eine ihrer Toechter hiess Emma Rosa, geb. am 8. Dezember 1892 in Belmont. Wenn Sie verwandt sind und vielleicht auch Information zu Carl Arnold haben, seiner Frau, seinen Eltern, Geschwistern, Kindern, seinem Leben, er starb in Biel 1894, bitte emailen Sie mir: bgmacje(at) 

Birgit McCracken, i.A. Linda Johnson

USA, 13.01.02 - 08:17

Hallo, alle Iselis in der Schweiz,
Ich helfe einer Freundin bei der Iseli-Familienforschung. Sie sucht Information ueber Carl Arnold Iseli, der in Belmont wohnte und 1894 in Biel gestorben ist. Bitte emailen Sie mir, wenn Sie ueber sein Leben etwas wissen, um ihn besser kennenzulernen.
Birgit  E mail: bgmacje(at) 

Birgit McCracken, i.A. Linda Johnson

Belfort in France, 07.01.02 - 19:18

My wife has an ISELI grand-grand father in her family.
My collegue in Switzerland is belonging to an ISELI branch ( it is still his name).He has informed me about this website.
Do we have a common ancestor?
The origin is Oberdettigen instead of T?ufennen !
Do you have a clue?


Redruth Bus Shelter, 04.01.02 - 10:58

ronny iseli, ronny iseli - where art thou? it's been a long time and still i have the lump o gold you gave me back in Mexico in the 1960 Kaiato War. I was so excited when i found this i almost fell off my pedestal. Email me brother and life will once again flourish with eternal FLUORIDE WHORE!

Dan Jarrett (Homepage)

Mogadore , Ohio, 31.12.01 - 02:32

Hello, My name is Brad L Isaly I am son of Roger, son of Bernard, son of Arthur,son of Jacob, son of Christian. I was very excited to see this web site. I was at the Wheeling, WVA reunion in 1983 and look forward to another one in 2008.I live in Mogadore, Ohio with my wife Heather, and my children Alayna and Benjamin. I look forward to speaking with anyone about our family. Best of luck to all in 2002.

Brad L. Isaly

Chatsworth, CA, 29.12.01 - 23:21

  I have two Iseli connections: The first one from Grafenried when Magdalena Iseli married Hans R?tz (Wierezwil), 5 June 1739. The other is Hans Schlup and Ursula Iseli whose daughter Babi was born in 1650.
  Viel Gl?ck mit Ihre Forschung
  Karen Patterson

Karen Patterson

Vancouver BC Canada, 28.12.01 - 01:33

Hello, from British Columbia Canada. My husband's grandfather Andrew Iseli immigranted from Yugoslavia in the early 1930's with his family. That family has now expanded by 5 generations. We were excited to find this website with all the information. We would love to receive information regarding the family.
Willa Iseli (Vancouver, BC Canada)

Willa Iseli

AVALLON dans l'Yonne, 18.11.01 - 12:04

Bonjour ? toute la famille ISELI.

Je n'en fais pas partie, mais votre famille m'int?resse.

Je suis ? la recherche de renseignements historiques concernant un opticien du nom d'ISELI peut-?tre dans les ann?es 1700-1800.

Voici les renseignements connus :

149, Boulevard Saint Germain PARIS

et nous aimerions en savoir plus sur cet ISELI

Salutations distingu?es



Northglenn, Colorado, USA, 15.11.01 - 01:36

Hello family. I think I am a family member. I am Dr. Melinda "Mendi" Mullett of Northglenn, CO, USA. I am the daughter of Shirley Athey Mullett who is the daughter of the late Gail Isaly Athey who was the daughter of Harry and Mary Isaly of Switzer Township along the beautiful, wide, winding Ohio River valley in Switzer Township, Ohio. I visited the Bern area of Switzerland and the Luzern valley a few years ago and hoped to meet with family members. I had heard that Beat Isaly (maybe not spelled the same in Switzerland) was still living in the Walkingren area and had hoped to meet him and his family. However, I caught an illness and had to return to the US without visiting.

I attended the Isaly reunion at Oblebay Park in 1983 and look forward to the next reunion.

Dr. Mendi Mullett

Dr. Melinda "Mendi" Mullett (Homepage)

Worthington,Ohio, 12.11.01 - 07:24

I am the daughter of Donald Isaly,son of Newell Isaly,son of Elmer Isaly,son of Jacob Isaly,son of Christian Isaly.I was raised in my Great Grandfathers house on German Ridge Road in Switzer Township,Powhatan Point,Ohio.I attended the Isaly reunion at Olgebay Park in Wheeling,WV in 1983.I think this is a great site and that other people are as interested in my family as I am.

Donette Isaly Sickels

NC, USA, 04.11.01 - 00:48

Not sure if I am a family member or not.....

My ISLER ancestors came to NC in 1710 and were part of The DeGraffenreid group of Swiss and Palatines that settled in Craven County NC. My earliest known ancestor is Nicholas Isler born abt 1661. He arrived in NC with two of his sons, Frederick and Christian. Not sure what the origianl spelling of the name was and if my Islers were indeed from Switz..........

Would love to know if they are part of this family!!!

Tracy Putnam (Homepage)

Alexandria, Virginia, 02.11.01 - 20:03

Hello from Alexandria, Virginia. Thanks for sharing this information about our family. It is truly great. I'm the daughter of John Jacob Isaly, son of Arthur Jacob Isaly, son of Jacob Isaly, etc. My grandmother was Adella Matilda Delora Bigler Isaly. I grew up in Wheeling, WV. I found out about your site after reading "Klondikes, Chipped Ham & Skyscraper Cones" by Brian Butko. I look forward to returning to this site. Sorry I missed the reunion in Switzerland. I attended the Isaly Family reunions at Olgebay Park, Wheeling, WV in 1958 and 1983. Keep it going.

Beverly Isaly Jett

Biel-Bienne/Switzerland, 19.10.01 - 12:01

I wish all the best to all "Iseli-Family-Members" from all over the World!

Barbara Iseli

Iowa, 26.09.01 - 04:02

My grandmother was an Iseli. I recently received translated documents showing that Carl Arnold Iseli died April 23, 1894, I believe in Biel. His wife, Maria Anna Kaser Iseli applied for citizenship in Jorgensdorf in July 1899. I believe he was born in Belmont and Marianna in Lewiswil August 16, 1856. Anyone have any information on this family branch?

Linda Johnson

La Rochelle, France, 23.09.01 - 15:50


Alexandre Isely

Aurora, Ohio, 22.09.01 - 03:34

Greetings to all,
The name Iseli, not an all that common even in Switzerland much less in the US. I am one of three living in Northeast Ohio having migrated here in 1966 from the old country.
e-mails welcome on any topic on the Iseli family tree.
God bless
Ueli Iseli

Ueli Iseli

fairveiw,pennsyvania usa, 25.08.01 - 00:26


linda isaly

Torrance, CA, 13.08.01 - 19:26

We went to the reunion in Interlaken and had a fabulous time. Who would have thought that so many people from so many places would feel an immediate family tie! My line comes from the Kansas branch of the Iseli line. My great-grandfather was Frederick Iseli. I hope you get to come to the next reunion and meet some wonderful people too. It was the trip of a lifetime!

Sandy Ragon

Rhinelander, WI, 10.08.01 - 19:56

I was doing a search on the Isley family and came across your site. My grandmother is an Isley and her sisters and brothers are also all Isley's. I was given a family tree that goes back to Phillip and he did have a different spelling for his name. I'm trying to prove what they have is true and was hoping to compare notes with someone. This site is great!

Erica Barber (Homepage)

Trotwood, Ohio, 09.08.01 - 20:15

Hello Isaly family,

I came across this site as a result of reading the Book "Klondikes, Chipped Ham, and Skyscrapper Cones" by Brian Butko. My interest in this site comes from the fact that my father, Vincent Miller was the manager of Isaly stores in Ohio (Akron, Bellfountaine, Galion, Piqua, and Troy) during the early 1950's. His direct boss was David Isaly of the Marion division. He was so impressed with David that when I was born in 1953, I was named "David" in honor of David Isaly.

David V. Miller

rock city, il, 03.08.01 - 20:38

Hi this to inform all my family that on
June 11. I became a grandmother. My oldest daughter Jenny had a little girl
Her name is Honesty Jo Niedermeier. If you would like to send a card. Her address is Jenny Niedermeier
112 Clay Street
Rock City, Il

Love, Dawn Niedermeier

Dawn niedermeier

Somewhere, 02.08.01 - 19:28

I am descended from Robert Easley, 1681 Henrico Co., Va. It has been said thgat the Easleys came from Switzerland via Frnce where they were silk merchants and Houguenots. The Easley/Eseley/Eslys went from france to England where Robert may have been born ca. 1665. He married Ann Parker and died ca. 1711/12, Henrico Co., VA. I am descended through his daughter Margaret who married Thomas Dupree, a Huguenot of Mannakin Town, Va.

David G. Moore

34, rue des Fourneaux 94440 MAROLLES EN BRIE FRANC, 20.07.01 - 22:50

Marolles en Brie le 20/07/2001
Bonjour ? tous les ISELI du monde.
Je suis Roger ISELI de la branche fran?aise des ISELI, originaire de Hasle.
Ce site est tr?s ?mouvant; je ne pensais pas avoir une telle famille en dehors de la Suisse, ayant un nom rare en France.
Bravo pour ce travail remarquable. 


Thurgau, Amriswil, 14.07.01 - 15:30

Geh?r ich auch zur Familie??? bin auch ne Iseli... aus dem Thurgau : ))

gr?ss mal alle lieb


Monika Iseli (Homepage)

Muscatine, Iowa, 12.07.01 - 20:45

My grandmother was Emma Rose Iseli, born December 8, 1892 in the Canton of Bern, daughter of Carl Arnold Iseli and Marianna Kaiser Iseli. Her father died in Biel, Switzerland, I believe April 23, 1893. Does anyone have any information that would help?

Linda Johnson

Suid-Afrika, 08.07.01 - 05:35

Groete aan al die Iseli familie. Dit is 'n besondere geleentheid om so die oorsprong op te spoor. Ek sal graag van die Suid-Afrikaanse familie wil opspoor.
Gerrie Yselle

Gerrie Yselle (Homepage)

York, PA, USA, 25.06.01 - 23:17

Hoping to find info on my family here. Bendix and Anna Esali who came to US in 1852 with their children. Need help finding family history.

Margie Walker

California, 04.06.01 - 05:10

To family members who may be reading this Guestbook rather than the "Family Only" part of the Isely web site: Hello from one of those attending the Reunion this summer in Interlaken. I am Barbara Isely and in my family there are twenty three (yes, 23!) who are traveling from the U.S. to Interlaken. In our group will be all ages from 5 years up to "Senior Citizen." We are from the Wisconsin branch of the Isely Family Tree. We would like to hear from others who plan to attend. Please post your message here or in the Family Only area. Thank you. 

Barbara Isely Dedo

Z?rich-Hottingen, 18.05.01 - 11:11

Kann mir jemand Zugangsdaten zusenden f?r die Iseli Homepage zusenden ?

Thomas Leemann

Kestenholz, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland, 09.05.01 - 14:30

Thanks for this Iseli-Family Website! I am looking forward to hear from family-members living in the US or anywhere!

Martin Iseli

UK, 03.05.01 - 19:18

Hello from the UK and another Isley.
I found your site whilst searching for genealogy sites for the Isleys.

Jacqui Isley

Gen?ve, 24.04.01 - 22:57

Merci pour ce site, juste un petit regret, rien n'est en fran?ais et je ne suis pas dou?e en Allemand et en Anglais.
J'habite Gen?ve en Suisse et j'aimerai bien retrouver des membres de ma famille. Mon grand-p?re s'appelait Henri Iseli et venait de L?tzelfluh, mais je n'arrive rien ? trouver sur son ascendance. Merci.


Kaneohe, Hawaii, 19.04.01 - 21:57

I saw your website and registered, but forgot to give you my web page. It is Am a descendent of Elizabeth Iseli who married Benedict Miller

Richard B. Miller (Homepage)

Jamestown, NY, 19.04.01 - 13:52

I'm searching for the family of Richard ISELE b1854 in Baden, Germany who married Louisa MATT (also of Baden) in Utica, NY on 30 July 1877.

Richard and Louisa had 5 children:
Albert, Karl, Mary Louise, Theodore and Elizabeth (b1890). Theodore was born with no arms and worked for Ringling Brothers Circus as a sideshow act as "Teddy the Armless Wonder". In the early 1890's, something happened to Richard and Louisa Isele, and their daughter Elizabeth went to live with my gg-grandparents, Theodore and Johanna MATT in Utica. Elizabeth, "Dee" as she was called by the family, never married and lived with the Matt Family until her death in 1965.

As she never had children, and we (decendents of the Matt family) don't have any further information on her family or exactly how they were related, I am including her in my family tree. She helped to raise my grandmother and mother, and we have many photos of her. She is buried with the Matt / Bellosa families in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Utica.

In my searches, I have not run across many Isele families and was thrilled to see your page on my Rootsweb newsletter.

If anyone has any information on this family, please contact me! 

Peggy Burns

Savannah, Missouri, 10.04.01 - 18:31

My name is Jennifer R. Esely-Edwards. We are from Savannah, Missouri. My Grandfather was Charles D. Esely. I stumbled onto this website. I am very eager to learn more about my family and our heritage.

Jennifer R. Esely-Edwards

Cordova, Alaska, 24.03.01 - 08:10


I'm part of the Wisconsin Isely, I really enjoyed this site, And reading about my Grandpa Christian. And I am very much looking forward to reading more my family's history. Hi to all my family, from Alaska

April Isely (Homepage)

Iowa City, IA, 09.03.01 - 06:06

Another note regarding the Iseli Branch from South Dakota/ Iowa City. 

Eldon Iseli, my grandmother's brother, was married 3 times. His wives names were Violet, Delores(?) and Anne. He had 6 children: Gary, Sandra, Mickey, Michael, Julia and there is one other that my 89 year old grandmother can't remember. Eldon was living in Memphis, TN when he died in his 60's.

Any help would be appreciated!

Cathy Vogel

Iowa City, IA, 09.03.01 - 03:10

I recieved an email from Linda Johnson today regarding her grandmother, Emma Rose Iseli (born 1892 in Bern, Switzerland) Gafeller Potter. After talking with my grandmother, Emma Julia Iseli Cooney, I discovered that Emma Rose was her aunt and her namesake. 

There were 4 children born to Carl and Marie (Haiser) Iseli: Marie, Ernest Arnlod, Charles Arnold and Emma Rose. They emmigrated to the US in the late 1800 or early 1900's. They lived in South Dakota and many ended up in Iowa City, Iowa.

Ernest Arnold married Julia Alvina Birbeck and they also had 4 children: Emma Julia Cooney, Adelade Jennings, Eldon Iseli and Darrell Iseli (who died at the age of 17). Ernest died in 1924 and Julia married his brother Charles Arnold Iseli.

Cathy Vogel

Emmenbr?cke, Switzerland, 08.03.01 - 19:40

Hallo Zusammen
F?r alle die Deutsch k?nnen, ich habe mich mit meiner Familiengeschichte auseinandergesetzt, weil ich einfach mal wissen wollte, wo die Menschen so unseren Namen tragen. Ich freue mich, dass es so viele gibt. Gruss und Kiss an alle!!!

Fabienne Iseli

Muscatine, Iowa, 08.03.01 - 04:16

My grandmother Emma Rose Iseli was born in Bern Switzerland in 1892, the daughter of Carl and Marie Haizer Iseli. She immigrated to the US I believe in 1907. We have some copies of documents, but they are in German so difficult to understand. She married Jake Gafeller in South Dakota and moved to Iowa City. She had a brother Arnold. Does anyone know her ancestry?

Linda Johnson

97 Eastlake Drive, Marina da Gama, Cape Town, RSA., 02.03.01 - 14:11

Thank you for this interesting site!
As one who is very keen to find out more about my family past I am certain that your site is going to be of great assistance in that regard.

Thank you once again!

Johnny (John James) Issel

Iowa City, Johnson, IA, USA, 28.02.01 - 00:02

My Grandmother, Emma Julia (Iseli) Cooney, is 89 years young. She's the oldest (and only surviving) of the four Iseli children born to Ernest Arnold and Julia Alvina (Birbeck) Iseli.

Ernest was born in Bern, Switzerland on June 9, 1886. He emigrated to the U.S about 1898. After his death, Julia married his brother, Charles Arnold Iseli.

Both Ernest and Charles are buried in Iowa City, Iowa.

Cathy Vogel

3178 B?singen, 10.02.01 - 17:59

Hallo z?m?! ?s isch doch sch?n z?w?sse das me nid allei isch ;-) I bi ?brigens Sumiswald gebore und ha z? L?tzelfl?h gwohnt! Gruss an alle
Stefan Iseli

Stefan Iseli

New Braunfels, Texas, 06.02.01 - 06:19

Very nice web site. My family comes from L?tzelfl?h. Hope to visit Switzerland soon.

Robert E. Rothenb?hler

Centurion, Pretoria, 30.01.01 - 17:40

Hallo aan almal, dis wonderlik om so 'n klomp familie raak te "surf"

My naam is Johann Yssel. Ek is 26 Jan 1967 gebore in Ventersdorp en woon tans in Centurion.
My pa was Dani?l Johannes (Johan) Yssel,Gebore 3 Oct 1930, hy is oorlede 17 Mar 1986 aan 'n hartaanval.
Sy pa was Pieter Lodewyk (Pieter) Yssel, seun van Dani?l Johannes (Daaintjie) Yssel, seun van Sarel (Charle) Gerhardus Yssel (Isel) wat in 1851 op Elandskuil gevestig het.

Ek is die 4de van 5 kinders, die ander 4 is:
1) Pieter Lodewyk (Pieter)
  Gebore 28 Oct 1953
  Boer op Elandskuil.
2) Magdalena Anna (Daleen) Mulder
  Gebore 21 Dec 1956
  Woon in Johannesburg
3) Dani?l Johannes Jacobus
  Gebore 13 Oct 1958
  Oorlede 2 Mei 2000
5) Martha Sophia (Marthie) Botha
  Gebore 28 Oct 1969
  Woon in Pietersburg

Ek sal graag van ander familielede wil hoor. Het iemand dalk meer inligting oor die reunie in Switzerland. Ek en Pieter wil graag gaan.

Johann Yssel

Philadelphia PA, 28.01.01 - 19:12

Greetings. I just had to say hello to all of the Isely family members.
My name is Brian Isely, son of John Isely.

Brian Isely

Kt.Bern CH, 27.01.01 - 23:49

hallo z?m?
mein Heimatort ist Hale b. Burgdorf BE
habt Ihr eine Ahnung von Familienwappen

Hausi Iseli

Franklin, North Carolina, 27.01.01 - 01:28

William Isely,son of Merrill Isely, grandson of William Isely, greatgrandson of Christian Isely who came from around Beirne in the mid 1800's. I visited Beirne in l936.

willilam H. Isely (Homepage)

55 Morton St. #7B NYC, NY 10014, 22.01.01 - 21:06

Hello! My name is Benjamin Hodges and I am descended from "D'Anson Isely" about whom our family knows little, other that he was born in the late 1870's or early 1880's and migrated from Hastings,NE to Jonesboro, TN around the turn of the century. I would be grateful for any information that would connect our branch of the family to others. My email is benhodges1(at) I am excited that there is an Isely family website, and the rest of my family will be as well.Keep up the good work. Ben

Ben Hodges

Farmington, New York, 17.01.01 - 21:46

Mt brother, Michael Roger Esley of Plattsbugrh, N.Y. turned me on to this web site. I find it very interesting to look so far back in the family tree. 

Tammy Esley-Triou

bern, 16.01.01 - 14:22

hallo zusamen
ich bin alexandra und komme aus dem kanton bern.

alexandra iseli

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