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Henry Philip Isely

Posted by transfer on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 01:59 PM

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People - Leute

Philip was born in Montezuma, Kansas on October 16, 1915, the son of James Walter Isely and Jessie M. Owen. He married Margaret Ann Sheesley on June 12, 1948. Together, they had 7 children: Zephyr, LaRock, Lark, Robin, Erosanne, Kemper and Heather Capri.

Personal record Ancestors Descendants

Henry Philip IselyHe is deeply involved in the progress of setting up a World Government, whose goal is to provide a better World with no wars. Utopy? not for him. He is also the creator of a treatment for screen drama History Hangs by a Thread, the designer of a prefab modular panel system of construction, the master of the plan for Guacamaya project in Costa Rica. In 1958, he was Candidate for U.S. Congress. In 1989, he obtained a research doctorate in education, recieved in 1975 the Honor award of International Association of Educators for World Peace and the Gandhi medal in 1977.

Member of the following societies

  • ACLU
  • Fellowship of Reconciliation
  • World Union
  • World Federalist Association
  • World Future Society
  • Earth Island Institution
  • International Society for Ecological Economies
  • International Association for Hydrogen Energy
  • Friends of Earth
  • Wilderness Society
  • Solar Energy Society
  • Sierra Club
  • Amnesty International
  • World Resources Institution
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Natural Nutritional Foods Association
  • Environment Def. Fund
  • Greenpeace
  • International Studies Association
  • Ctr. for Study of Democratic Institutions
  • War Resistors League
  • Audubon Society
  • Worldwatch Institution
  • International Association for Constitutional Law
  • Earth Regeneration Society
  • International Society for Universalism (Honor award 1993)
  • Zero Population Growth
  • Mt. Vernon Country Club


1934-35: Student in South Oregon Jr. College in Ashland
1935-37: Student at Antioch College
1946-50: Organizer of Action for World Federation
1954-58: Organizer of North American Council for People's World Convention
1958: Organizer of World Com. for World Constl. Convention
1959-66: Secretary General at World Com. for World Constl. Convention
since 1966: Secretary General at World Constn. and Parliament Association, Lakewood, Colorado
1963, 66, 67: Organizer of worldwide prep. conferences
1968: Organizer of first session of People's World Parliament and World Constl. Convention in Switzerland
since 1959: Editor of association bulletin Across Frontiers
1971: Co-organizer of Emergency Concil World Trustees
1977: World Constituent Assembly at Innsbruck, Austria
1978-79: Colombo, Sri Lanka
1991: Troia, Portugal
1982: Organizer of Provisional World Parliament first session, in Brighton, England
1985: second Session in New Delhi, India
1987: third Session in Miami Beach, Florida
since 1982: member of parliament
1971-77: Secretary of Working Commission to Draft World Constitution
1972-78: President of World Sve. Trust
since 1955: ptnr. Builders Foundation, Vitamin Cottages
since 1985: Chairman bd. dirs.
1984-94: President of Earth Rescue Corps
since 1984: Secretary-Treasury at Grad. School for World Problems
since 1990: Professor for World Problems
since 1987: Cabinet member of Provisional World Government
since 1986: President of World Government Funding Corporation
since 1995: Emergency Earth Rescue Administration
1991: Co-organizer of Global Ratification and Elections Network
1992: Secretary
1996: prin. organizer of Provisional World Parliament


The people must write the peace, 1950
A call to all peoples and all national governments of the Earth, 1961
Outline for the debate and drafting of a World Constitution, 1967
Strategy for reclaiming Earth for Humanity, 1969
Call to a World Constituent Assembly, 1974
Proposal for immediate action by an emergency council of World Trustees, 1971
Call to Provisional World Parliament, 1981
People who want peace must take charge of World Affairs, 1982
Plan for emergency Earth Rescue Administration, 1985
Plan for Earth Finance Credit Corporation, 1987
Climate Crisis, 1989
Handbook for Planet Earth, 1993
Technological breakthroughs for a global energy network, 1991
Bill of particulars: why the U.N. must be replaced, 1994
Manifesto for the inauguration of World Government, 1994
Call to the Fourth Session of the Provisional World Parliament, 1995
Critique of the Report of the Commission on GlobalGovernance, 1995

Co-author, editor

A constitution for the Federation of Earth, 1974, (rev. edit. 1991)
Also author of several world legislation measures adopted at Provisional World Parliament.


Plan for collaboration in World Constituent Assembly for 1991

Note: This information was found in the Who's Who in America, 1997 edition.

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