The home of the Iseli's
Feb 07, 2025 - 10:52 AM
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Category: Main -> General



What is the goal of this website?

The goal is to gather and organize family information. This will allow individuals to compile their family history and eventually combine all branch-histories into one big unified family genealogy, from the 16th century to the present.

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Are you affiliated with the mormons?

No, but we use the microfilms of family genealogies gathered by the mormons, but this is just one part of our sources.

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What other sources do you use?

We visit Swiss archives and compile personal data sent in by you and other people.

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What does using this website cost?

It is entirely free. If you feel like donating money for covering the hosting costs, you are free to do so. However we are much more interested in donated time and data instead of cash.

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Are there any restrictions for registering with this site?

Yes. The family tree contains very personal data and we are going to check whether you are part of the family before approving your registration. This is our way to protect the data of all the family members against people harvesting this kind of information and misusing it.

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Who is "we"?

Everybody contributing to this website.

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Who is behind this website?

This project was started in 1996 by Timothy Francis Isely, then living in Oconomowoc, WI, USA. Since then he moved to Phoenix, AZ, USA and I haven't heard back from him since about 2001.

I am Erich Reto Iseli, currently living in Ostermundigen, BE, Switzerland. I joined the research in late 1996 or early 1997. In about 1999, was set up and since then, I am taking care of things. To be fair: I haven't done much since 2000...

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How do I find the Guest Book? Has it been moved to some other place?

The guestbook is no longer active (you cannot sign any more). However the archives are still available:
part one (1998-1997), part two (2000-1999), part three (2001-2005).

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I am unable to view any family history and download page will not come up at all. Do you still have a search feature for particular Iseli names?

You are right. Currently you get a "500 Internal Server Error" when going to the family tree section. We are investigating the problem and will try to get the service back as soon as possible.

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How can I use this web site to find relatives?

Follow the "Family Tree" link in the Main Menu and search for the names of your relatives. You need to be registered in the family tree section and your registration approved in order to see dates and places.

You can also post a "News" on the homepage in order to show your findings to the public and ask for hints. Registered members will be able to help you as well by posting comments.

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It doesn't appear that this site is monitored any longer, but in case it is, can someone tell me how to add names to the charts?
My grandfather's name, Leroy Foster Esley, is present, along with his wife's given name, but nothing else. I could augment that information, if it is permitted.
David Williams

You're right, the redactional site has come to kind of a still stand. On the other side, we have an interactive family tree which is continuously worked on. So if you can find yourself or a close relative in the tree, just register on and let us know your connection. Once you are set up, you can add persons or amend information in the family tree.

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